NANO Fiction is now accepting entries for the Second Annual NANO Prize. $500 and publication will be awarded to a flash fiction piece, prose poem, or micro essay of 300 words or less. Deadline August 31, 2010. Each entrant will also receive a one-year subscription to NANO Fiction. All submitted pieces will be
considered for publication.
NOTE: What's nice is that the entry fee of $15 is for the first entry, and subsequent entries are only $2. Yes, they are basically charging a reading fee to get free material. If you can live with that, this is a rare outlet for that genre of fiction that's so hard yet so fun to write - flash fiction.
DOUBLE NOTE: Yes, one has to write even though she doesn't feel it will be published. It's through those trying, lonely evenings that writing stealthily develops muscle.
I particularly appreciate that double-note this morning. Thanks, Hope!
No, you get a year's subscription with the reading fee, so you do get something in return. We're an actual, physical publication that releases issues twice a year. Thought I'd clarify!
I couldn't get the submit link to open. It might be my pc. BBB
The link is working fine from my end. Try again.
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