Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Best Way to Get More Attention as a Writer

UPDATE: I'm getting lots of feedback on this post. I've just moved the blog (to include this post to my author site - . Feel free to visit it there and leave a message that will be preserved forever!!!  Thanks.   ~HOPE

Do we Facebook more? Post twice a day on our blog? Tweet? Speak?

Actually, the best way to get more attention as a writer is to write more.

Write more stories, features, blog posts, guest blog posts, comments on blogs, editorials, interviews, contest entries. I'm not talking about resubbing the same old material. I'm not a firm believer in that on a regular basis. Instead, I think new, fresh, crisp, cracker-jack writing is what counts. For several reasons:

1. Your work gets better each time you tax your mind to write anew.

2. The more you distribute your work, the better the chance it'll be read . . .and you'll be followed.

3. You build a reputation as an expert. The more times you appear on a Google search, the better your credibility, or at least the higher your chances of being considered an expert or . . . gasp, as famous.

Do NOT write a story then spend weeks trying to place it, stopping in place, waiting for responses before delving into another tale. Keep writing. Pitch the old, turn back around to your keyboard, and write the new, nonstop, incessantly, with fervor. You're a word machine. If that first piece fails, then start over with it . . . or toss it, crack your knuckles and open a fresh page. No whining, no anger, no blame game. Always move forward.

Write, write more, edit and edit more. Produce until someone realizes you really are a writer.


Sioux Roslawski said...

This is a message that writers need to be regularly reminded of. Thanks, Hope.

Lyn Fairchild Hawks said...

Second and third that! While one short story is busy getting rejected at 20-some mags, I'm writing a new one or unearthing an old one for a fresh look as to why it got rejected. I have a great faith in the work because every story gets better. My group tells me it's paying off, even though short stories aren't my strength. I call it my "personal MFA." If I were in school, I would be writing, critiquing, reading. I wouldn't necessarily be stalled by rejections or even submitting, I'd be so busy. So why view my daily writing life as any different?

Your point, "No whining, no anger, no blame game" is so true. That saps energy that could be invested in writing.


Karen said...

Great post! I'm sure your blog is helping so many writers out there. Keep up the great work!

Carol J. Alexander said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Hope. It's so easy to rest between projects and lose your momentum.

Kathryn J. Bain said...

This is the gospel of writing and selling.

I did a lot of research before my book came out. The number one thing writers of books who sold a lot on Amazon said was they had at least eight books up before they started seeing any real money.

Plus, it calms those voices in your head.

Diva Jefferson said...

Best advice ever. "You are a word machine." So write! :) Thanks for the encouragement, Hope.

-Diva J.

The Owl Wood said...

Absolutely so! It's important to remember that the imagination is a bottomless pit - it's not going to dry up if you keep pulling work out of it (quite the opposite).

D.G. Hudson said...

I'm trying to live this advice in 2012.

This Day We Write! was the motto at the writing conference I attended last year (SIWC). Sounds like a good motto if I just change Day to Year.

Thanks for the kick to the brain, Hope.

Nancy Jill Thames said...

So true, and I think it's true because when you see yourself in print, it's easier to believe you're an author.

Name: Holly Bowne said...

Such practical, common sense advice...that's so easy to dismiss in our attempt to overthink these things!

Thanks for the reminder that if we want to be viewed as great writers, we need to WRITE! :o)

Anthony J. Langford said...

Very timely.. and thanks for the reminders.

I'm currently submitting like crazy, stories and poems.. but I'm also writing new material... one seems to be feeding the other.

By the way, I think social networking can only do so much, it's getting harder to network. In fact, I was booted off a Book Club site just last week, because I dared to leave my blog site.. I was accused of being a spammer. Very harsh I thought, but the show must go on!


Sreeja said...

That was like a much awaited delicious food for me. Thanks.

Arden K Ashlie said...

Thank you for this.You sure live up to your name -Hope.

Janet Smart said...

Great advice!

Bruce Hanify said...

I like the picture! (The advice is good, too.)

Karen Lange said...

Wonderful advice. "Keep writing." Yes, those are two words to live by!

Momof2 said...

We discovered your blog and web site today. Excellent advice and encouragement! We only just began our blog in August, 2011 and have had an overwhelming positive response. The interesting part about it though is simply knowing what to do with it now that it has grown. We are on Twitter, Face Book, and recently began an actual website: Looking forward to reading more of your blogposts and Tweets for direction. Blessings Tammy AKA @abundanceFrugal FB: Abundance:Frugality, Food, Fitness and Fun.