Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Compose a short story entirely of dialogue. You may use as many characters as you want. Your entry must be under 2,000 words. Your entry does not have to follow standard rules for writing dialogue. Your entry cannot use any narration (this includes tag lines such as he said, she said, etc.). These are the only rules. Manipulate them however you see fit. Deadline September 12, 2010.

A minimum of $290 will be awarded, with $250 going to first place and $10 to our four honorable mentions. The five finalists will also appear in Issue 5 of the magazine due out in January 2011. Last year the contest awarded $450 in prize money. For every entry over 25, an additional $5 will be awarded to the first place story.

NOTE: Initially this sounds hard, but I've read chapters in my critique groups that were 80% dialogue. I think the key is to keep the parties distinct since you don't have tags, beats or internal monologue to help differentiate. You can read the latest publication from Bartleby Snopes at the website in PDF if you want ideas on what the editors like.

DOUBLE NOTE: 100 degrees this week. I'm working outside by day and writing by night, and the sun is zapping my energies. Yup, I have tan lines on my arms and ankles from the gardening. I'd be real distinctive on the beach these days!


Anne R. Allen said...

What a fun contest. I always write too much dialogue, so this might be one for me. Thanks!

BECKY said...

Sounds like a real challenge for me, because I have trouble with dialogue! My writing is personal essay, memoir...and I find it difficult to include it!