The Pima County Public Library
The Pima County Public Library (PCPL) actively seeks books that are written and/or published locally. We are especially interested in titles about the Southwest/Sonoran region. As a public library we select books containing content that is written for the general reader rather than for the specialist or professional. We do not, in general, buy textbooks. Books with pages designed to be filled in by the reader or torn out are not appropriate. Because library books get heavy use, we look for those which are sturdily bound, preferably sewn or glued. Spiral and comb bindings do not stand up well to the multiple uses library books will receive.
The best way to bring your book to our attention is through reviews. A positive review in one or more of the review journals, such as Library Journal, School Library Journal (for children's books), Publisher's Weekly, Booklist, Kirkus, or in the Arizona Daily Star book review section, will give your book an excellent chance of being bought by PCPL (and other public libraries as well). A list of contact information for these publications is listed below.
The next best method is a flyer mailed to the Collection Development Office. The Collection Development librarians generally only have a few seconds to look at a flyer, so your best bet is to emphasize the essentials. We look for:
WHAT the book is about. This should be brief.
WHY the book is appropriate for our collection. Here you should include quotations from reviews, or reader testimonials if you have them. If the book has been reviewed you should also attach a copy of the review.
WHO the intended audience is for the book. Is it intended for adults, young adults, or children? Parents, business persons, hobbyists, etc?
WHO the author is. This should include qualifications, such as education, experience in the field, experience as a writer. Be sure to mention that you are a local author or publisher, since this is a factor in our selection decision.
WHEN and WHERE the book was published. We need complete bibliographic data, including date of publication, price (including discount if multiple copies are purchased), ISBN (very important), edition statement, type of binding. If the book is self published, please give some indication of its physical appearance, including how it is bound.
HOW the library can purchase your book. Pima County Public Library is under contract with a limited number of wholesale vendors. We purchase the majority of our books through Baker & Taylor, for more specialized (Arizona/local) items we obtain materials from Antigone Books in Tucson, Arizona. If the book is only available directly from you, be sure to provide an email address and URL for your website or blog. A review copy of your book is not necessary and if included in materials sent to us will not be returned regardless of the library's ultimate purchase decision.
Drop in visits are not encouraged.
You may also want to consider attending library conferences. This is one way to reach many librarians in a short space of time. National conferences such as the American Library Association can be overwhelming, but smaller ones such as the Arizona Library Association (AzLA) attract many librarians from this area.
Send flyers to:
Collection Development OfficePima County Public Library101 N. StoneTucson, AZ 85701
Write or see web site for information on how to submit a book for a review:
Arizona Daily Star - Southern Arizona Authors, Att: J.C. Martin, P.O. Box 26807, Tucson, AZ 85726
Kirkus Reviews
Library Journal
Publishers Weekly
School Library Journal
The American Library Association Events Web Page ( http://www.ala.org/events ) lists upcoming conferences. Information on exhibiting at each conference is available through the links for the individual events.
NOTE: Wow, this is great information. Libraries can be goldmines. Don't forget about yours.
What a wonderful post. Thank you!
Great info. I have a self published how-to booklet being carried in one library system but have been meaning to spread out and check out other libraries. These guidelines will be helpful. Thanks a bunch!
Good post. I have always wondered about this. I live in NYC so we have a massive library system but sometimes it doesn't have a book I am interested in - which always shocks me. It makes a tad more sense now.
I appreciate this information so much. We often wonder about how our books get into libraries (or not), so this is very helpful.
Loved this. I don't know if I've ever seen a post on this before. Thank you, Hope.
I must assume it is a perfectly good book which was requested by one of my faculty. I welcome your writing however you choose to do it.
Thanks again for your helpful information... That's a great looking library by the way.
useful post, thanks!
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