Theme: What is one of the pressing social and political issues of our times, and how would you address it?
Very cool opportunity to express yourself. Dig deep. Draw upon what really grabs your craw and sets you on fire. Here's a venue for it.
The winning essay receives a cash prize of $1,000 and publication in Dissent. Two runner-up essays will be published in Dissent online and receive $250 and a signed DVD copy of the film Paul Goodman Changed My Life. Essays should be sent in PDF or DOC format to essaycontest@paulgoodmanfilm.com by May 1, 2010.
In 1960, Paul Goodman - social thinker, activist, poet and novelist - published his groundbreaking work, Growing Up Absurd. An Goodman's work inspired and galvanized a burgeoning generation of '60s students and intellectuals. Forty years later, though his influence is felt throughout our culture, his books have fallen out of print and his name is all but forgotten. This contest and the film hope to renew interest in his work and social thinking.
This looks interesting, Hope. Thank you.
Happy weekend,
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