Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Writer's Digest Webinar - Thursday May 5 - Why I'm Doing It

Yes, I've chosen one blog post this week for shameless self-promotion . . . and also to rave about this opportunity that fell in my lap.

But first I digress...

When writers start off in this business, they either write their heart out and fail to publish, or they carefully orchestrate how they will succeed and wind up disappointed. I think it's because nobody tells you how to start green, from day one. As a result, we think it's easy, because everyone seems to have done it, right?

Even if you go to college for a creative writing degree, or gasp, even an MFA, they do not tell you how to make a living at this business. An MBA will tell you how to earn a living, but not an MFA. Personally I think all degrees should tell you how to earn money from all that theory, but that's another post for another day.

What I've learned from my own rocky journey is that you enter writing from one of two doors. You enter it to publish your baby, or to earn a living. Sometimes you enter one door in order to reach the other. And the trek isn't necessarily linear. Expect detours. What's key is that you maintain focus on your goal.

So...when Writer's Digest contacted me about doing a webinar entitled "How to Find Grants and Financial Resources for Your Writing," I jumped on it. Apparently a WD employee saw me present at a conference, and he spoke to somebody who spoke to somebody and I received an offer.

That's why you keep networking, writing, and plugging away at this crazy business . . . even when you don't think it's doing any good. You don't necessarily see opportunity working its magic in the background.

Anyway . . . I'm so fanatical about educating writers on the resources, direction and enthusiasm it takes to make a few bucks, that I'm jacked up about this presentation. It'll be live on Thursday, May 5, 2011, at 1:00 PM Eastern. You get to ask questions, and if I run out of time, you still receive my emailed response to your situation. And anyone who knows me, understands that means a serious response with resources. ALSO...the webinar comes with a FREE subscription to TOTAL FundsforWriters, the paid subscription that I send out biweekly with 75+ markets, grants, contests, publishers, agents, and jobs (normally $15).

I've been instructed to cram as much as I can into that 75 minutes, to includes links, sites, books, grants, contests, whatever, because the attendees get the oral and written presentation to keep. This is a friggin' deal, people. I'm hyped now about Writer's Digest webinars now that I've seen the behind-the-scenes mechanism.

So, yes, this is a chance for me to toot my own horn, but it's also a way for you to get excited about grants and funding resources that can be used in that writer's toolbox you keep trying to fill with the right tools.


  1. What a great opportunity!

  2. This is wonderful. I'm so happy for you! Sharing knowledge is a key to success and it is very rewarding.
