Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ebyline - New Age Journalism

Ebyline is looking for experienced, professional journalists. If you've received payment for freelance work in the last 12 months, and the work was reporting rather than commentary, then you just may qualify. With so many dailys and other reporting machines our there needing quick info already professionally prepared, Ebyline steps to the plate, offering a clearinghouse of material ready for purchase.

Reuters recently displayed a press release about Ebyline:

"...eByline.com, serves as a marketplace for freelance journalists and reporters to showcase their work and offer it up for syndication. Reporters can set whatever price they want for their work. Publishers can then pick and choose from individual stories and pay the reporter directly without having to set up any kind of subscription. eByline then takes an 8 percent cut of the transaction."

"Publishers can also sign up to distribute their content and can set their stories to be distributed under embargo if they choose. On this front, eByline is taking a crack at the major wire services, which provide a lot of content to daily newspapers and other news publications across the world. The major services — like Reuters, Bloomberg and Dow Jones — all provide content as part of a subscription. eByline hopes to buck that trend by providing content á la carte."

Freelancers must pass a review process. They must show examples of recent clips and meet some educational standards (probably a B.S. degree - wasn't clear whether experience could substitute, but you can't lose anything in trying). Referrals from news organizations and/or editors required as well. They only deal with US citizens, however.

You can choose whether you want to sell one-on-one to publishers (Freelancer Exclusive Content) or
one-to-many (Freelancer Syndicated Content). On the exclusive side, you are basically selling all rights, and the publisher can utilize it anywhere without additional compensation. But then, you set the price, and hopefully you incorporate that rights value in the price. You keep rights to the syndicated material.

Imagine your news-breaking story being available around the world! Ebyline calls it entrepreneurial journalism. Makes me want to be a journalist!

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