The Writing & Critique Group Survival Guide-
How to Give and Receive Feedback, Self Edit, and Make Revisions
by Becky Levine
Writer's Digest Books announces the publication of The Writing & Critique Group Survival Guide, the best way to create a respectful, productive writing or critique group, discussing all the important details of finding a group, running a critique meeting, and building a group that will evolve with its members.
Each chapter, whether discussing plot or character or voice, teaches the writer how to read for a critique, learn from criticism, organize and prioritize feedback, revise based on the specific feedback they receive, and more.
Perfect for writers and creative-writing students, this book offers tangible instruction on how to spot legitimate problems in any genre and how to give and apply feedback in a helpful and meaningful way.
Becky Levine is a writer, freelance editor, and speaker. Becky is a book reviewer for The Horn Book Guide, speaks regularly at writing clubs and conferences, and is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI), Sisters in Crime (SINC), and the California Writers Club (CWC). She lives in South Bay, CA. Her website and blog are http://www.beckylevine.com/ and beckylevine.livejournal.com.
Available at Amazon.com and bookstores everywhere!
$19.99, ISBN-13: 978-1-58297-606-8
Writer’s Digest Books
NOTE FROM HOPE: You either love or hate critique groups, but find one that clicks, and you'll sing it's praises from the rafters. Some of the best critique groups are originated by writers who could not find one that works. Having a guidebook to get you started makes for a successful group that could stand the passage of time, opinions and colorful personalities.
DOUBLE NOTE: The first three people who leave a comment on this blog will receive a free copy. Send hope@fundsforwriters.com your name and postal address when you do.
Hi Hope
thanks again for your great tips/recommendations.. Yes i'm not so sure about critique groups.. they are as only good as their members and good members, as opposed to enthusiastic members are hard to find.. its just impossible to please everyone.. but i agree that they can really help especially for new writers..
ps. i think i'm early but you don't have to send me a book as i live in Australia..lol.. you could email something if you wish..
thanks so much once again!!
I have been searching for a critique group to no avail. I could really use this book to found my own. I hope that you will send me one of them.
I really like your newsletters and always look forward to them. Love the chicken pictures.
Yay! I'm the first one!! Thank you, Hope! I just joined my first critique group this week!
Yay! I'm the first one!! Thank you, Hope! I just joined my first critique group this week!
Sounds like a great book. I'd love to read it. :)
Hope, obviously, don't enter me in the contest, but just wanted to say thanks for blogging about the book! I'll tweet & Facebook about the contest this morning. :)
I love Becky and I'd love a copy of her book, as I am a critique group junkie!
tarawrites at yahoo dot com
This also sounds like something you could use for your own work - critiquing yourself! Sign me up!
I think it's high time that a book on this topic has been published. I've found that writers sometimes learn more from critiquing others than they do in getting critiqued. When starting a group it's important to have a well organized plan and Becky Levine's book looks to be a valuable tool in accomplishing this.
Hope, is it possible no one else has left a comment yet? I'd love to be a contest winner :-).
Can't wait to read it. I've met Becky and she is wonderfuld. I belong to a critique group and we can use some direction.
Jane Biddinger
30 Dow Court
Fairfield, Ohio 45014
I love your blog Hope. I also receive your newsletters, and read them religiously. I have never joined a writing critique group, although I have thrown around the idea. Maybe this book will give me the push I need to put myself out there more!
Thank you for all you do!
Hope, I love my critique group! I will not submit one single word that they have not read first and can't tell you how much embarrassment they have saved me!! You are right on, though, that you have to fit with the right group. One of the only problems we have had is with members who don't fit with us. Thanks for the news on this book!
Looking forward to reading this. I've had a writing/critiquing group for years, and it seems that we've gone a bit fallow lately. I've been looking for something to help up the ante in the quality of our meetings and boost our creativity. This looks like it may have a few useful pointers...
Stephanie, Becky and Anjie are the
winners who'll receive a copy of The Writing & Critique Group Survival Guide - by Becky Levine. If you three ladies would email me at hope@fundsforwriters.com with your mailing address, I'll see they get dropped in the mail. Thanks!!!
Sorry for the delay. My posts are moderated and I'm anything but a morning person. *smile*
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